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ימי שני (אחת לחודש)
בשעה 19:00

ימי שני


Please see the Hebrew side of this site for an updated list of all our classes and lectures open to the general public

The following are classes are offered in Englishhe

ימי ראשון Sunday


Deena Garber 11:00-12:30

Maharal, Chassidut & Psychology" (on zoom & women only)

ימי שני Monday

R' Gilla & R' Chananel Rosen 20:00-21:00

Parshat HaShavua, Midrash & Chassidut (on zoom)

ימי שלישי Tuesday


ימי רביעי Wednesday


ימי חמישי Thursday


שבת קודש Shabbat



Most individual classes: 300 nis a year 

Morning of Gemara:

Full- 2000 nis a year

Half- 750 nis per semester (1300 all together)

Deena Garber: 30 nis per class (based on appearance)

Dov Berkowitz: 2200 nis a year (Hebrew or English)

Shel Bassel's class is jointly on skype; please contact him at

We look forward to seeing you!

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