Yakar Summer Program
16th-27th June, 2019
'Social Justice & Torah'
What does traditional Jewish Thought have to say about contemporary ideas of social justice?
How does belief in God make a difference in caring for the world?
Come and join us for two weeks at the beginning of the summer to read, ponder, and argue about how religious Jews should think about social justice.
The program will take place at ‘Yakar’ Jerusalem, in the center of beautiful and vibrant Old Katamon
– a spacious building with a wide-ranging English Torah library.
The program is run by Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Dov Rosen, director and communal rabbi of Yakar Jerusalem.
Guest lecturers will be sharing their insights: academics, educators, activists…
The program is academically recognized for university credits.
For details, please contact Rabbi Shlomo-Dov